Wednesday, May 13, 2009


So, as I am trying to get two videos uploaded on here (I used iMovie for the first time, and I'm not entirely comfortable with it..), I would like to discuss a few things.  

I was offered a job at Bradley Tech here in Milwaukee.  When I was offered the job, I was super excited because I really got a good vibe from the principal, the head of the English Dept, the Special Ed Dept Chair, the parent who was there, and the other few people who I have unfortunately forgotten.  :(  I went to the interview dreading the whole thing.  I wasn't sure I wanted to even work at Bradley Tech (I had heard so many negative things about it), but I forced myself to go by telling myself that it would be a "good experience" to have the interview.  Well, I did really well!  (I've since had two other interviews that I also did well at, so I am feeling very confident in my eloquence when it comes to interview question-answering)  But anyway, I left the interview feeling surprised at how much I liked everything about the interview.  Then, on my way home from the school, I received a voice-mail (I have a strict no-answering-the-cell-phone-while-driving-manual rule) from the principal letting me know that he had gone ahead and forwarded a request to hire me through central office.  I was giddy with the excitement of even being offered a job.  Well, as time went on, I allowed myself to stir in the big decision I had to make: do I take the first job offer I receive, or should I wait it out to see if there is something that is more appealing?  Hahahahaha, that was a joke!  Silly me!  MPS doesn't have the time (or communication) to wait until I make a decision.  As I was allowing myself to grapple with this choice, I involuntarily accepted the job.  Yup, that's correct, I took the job at Bradley Tech without knowing it.  How did this happen, you ask?  Well, it happened because I overlooked the fact that you only have 24 hours after a job offer to reject that offer, otherwise central office considers you hired.  The end result: I have a job in MPS that I am not really sure is the right place for me, but I don't even have a choice, because unfortunately, if I reject the job now (after I've already accepted it), I can't work in MPS AT ALL.  Agh, I just don't even know what to think.  In one sense I'm really relieved and excited to have a job at all, in another sense I feel like the personal selection aspect of finding a job was kind of pulled from underneath me.

Speaking of jobs... I had an interview at Maryland Ave Montessori school on Monday (which I totally rocked.. haha), and I fell in love with the whole philosophy of Montessori education.  I think I may go back to get certified to teach grades 1-6 (so then I could teach grades 1-12).  In addition, I am also making the mental plans to go back to school in 2010 to get my reading specialist certification, and then eventually get my masters to become a literacy coach.  :)

One more issue before I go and attempt to upload those videos again: I had a better day today.  I decided that, as a teacher who loves organization and staying on top of grading, "buffer" days rock.  What's a buffer day?  Well, it's a day when you collect writing, projects, and vocabulary activities and allow students to "catch up" any missing work they have for a unit.  :)  It's also an excellent opportunity to work one-on-one with some students who really need the extra help.  Oh!  One more thing: I totally discovered the wonderful power of making "pretend" phone calls during class.  Haha.  I had some sassy ones today, and all I had to do was walk over to the phone and look over at those students, and they started to murmur about the fact that "Ms. K is on the phone."  A little cruel?  Eh, maybe.  I'm only human..

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